List of English Books

Agarwal, Malti, Ed# New perspectives on Indian English writngs
Andersen, Hans# Hans Andersen's fairy tales
Anita Nair# Mistress
Anita Nair# Lessons in Forgetting
Anita Nair# Better Man
Anita Pratap# Island of blood
Anita Singh# Indian English novel in the ninenties and after: A study of the text and its context
Anitha Vasanth# Stories of Birbal
Aravind Adiga# White Tiger
Aravind Adiga# Between the assassinations
Archer, Jeffrey# Twist in the tale
Archer, Jeffrey# Prodigal daughter
Archer, Jeffrey# Prisoner of birth
Archer, Jeffrey# Eleventh commandment
Archer, Jeffrey# Kane and Abel
Arundhati Roy# Power Politics. The Reincarnation of Rumpelstiltskin
Arundhati Roy# Ordinary Persons Guide to Empire
Ayyappa Panicker# I Cannot Help Blossoming
Ballantyne, R M# Coral Island
Banerjee, Swapan kumar# Feminism in Modern English Drama 1892-1914
Batra, shakti# Stylistic and Semantic study of two partition novels
Bhagat, Chetan# Five Point Someone. What not to do at IIT
Bhagat, Chetan# One Night @ the Call Center
Bhagat, Chetan# One Night at the Call Center
Bhagat, Chetan# 3 mistakes of my life
Bhagat, Chetan# 2 States. The Story of my Marriage
Bhupal singh# Victorian english literature: An analytico-critical study
Bloom, Harold, Ed.# Modern critical views: Arthur Miller
Bloom, Harold, Ed.# Modern critical views: The Brontes
Bloom, Harold, Ed.# Modern critical views: Herman Melville
Bloom, Harold, Ed.# William Goldings Lord of the Flies
Bloom, Harold, Ed.# Modern critical views: Charles Dickens
Blyton, Enid# Five on Finniston farm
Bond, Ruskin# Rusty. Comes Home
Bond, Ruskin# Rusty. The Boy from the Hills
Brown, Dan# Lost Symbol
Brown, Dan# Davinci Code
Burns, Robert# Collected Poems of Robert Burns
Carroll, Lewis# Atbhutha Lokathil Alice (m)
Carroll, Lewis# Alices Adventures in Wounderland: Through the looking glass and other writtings
Carroll, Lewis# Alices Adventures in Wonderland
Chandra, Bipan# Essays on Colonialism
Charu Nivedita# Zero degree
Chase, James Hadley# Well now, my pretty
Chase, James Hadley# Double Shuffle
Chase, James Hadley# You must be kidding
Chase, James Hadley# Consider yourself dead
Chaudhuri, Sukanta, Ed# Selected Poems. Rabindranath Tagore
Childs, Peter; Fowler, Roger# Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms
Christie, Agatha# Mirror crack'd from side to side
Christie, Agatha# Problem at Pollensa bay
Cook, Robin# Harmful intent
Cook, Robin# Brain
Cook, Robin# Vital signs
Crook, Keith# Preface to Swift
Dash, Neena; Dash, M# Teaching English as an additional language
Davidson, G# Dictionary of Fiction
Dawson, Delilah# Something Naughty
Defoe, Daniel# Robinson Crusoe
Defoe, Daniel# Robinson Crusoe: The farther adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Derrida, Jacques# Writing and Difference
Desai, Anita# Village by the Sea
Desai, Anita# Baumgartners Bombay
Desai, Anita# In Custody
Desai, Anita# Voices in the City
Desai, Anita# Where shall we go this Summer
Desai, Kiran# Inheritance of Loss
Desai, Kiran# Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard
Desai, Kiran; Andrews Philip, Tr.# Nastangalude anantharavakasham (m)
Desai, Kiran; Andrews Philip, Tr.# Nastangalude Anantharavakasham (m)
Deshpande, Shashi# Binding Vine
Dharker, Imtiaz# Terrorist at my table
Dickens, Charles# David Copperfield
Dickens, Charles# Best Ghost Stories
Dickens, Charles# Oliver Twist
Dickens, Charles# Tale of Two Cities
Dickens, Charles; Janardanan, Kavumbai, Tr.# Oliver Twist (m)
Donne, John# Collected poems of John Donne
Doyle, Arthur Conan# Hound of The Baskervilles
Doyle, Arthur Conan# Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Doyle, Arthur Conan# Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Doyle, Arthur Conan# Sherlock Holmes Sampoorna Kruthikal(m)
Doyle, Arthur Conan# Sherlock Homes: His last bow
Doyle, Arthur Conan# Sign of Four
Dugoni, Robert# Jury Master
Dunne, Catherine# Something Like Love
Dziemianowicz, Stefan R, et al.# 50 Ghost Stories
Dziemianowicz, Stefan R, et al.# 50 witch stories
Ezekiel, Nissim# Collected poems
Fanthome, Francis, Comp# Great Indian Mind
Faulkner, William# Sound and the Fury
Ferguson, Margaret, et al# Norton Anthology of Poetry
Fitzgerald, Edward., Tr# Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
Follett, Ken# Pillars of the Earth
Forsyth, Frederick# Fourth protocol
Forsyth, Frederick# No comebacks
Fousiya Yoonus# For a different World
Gandhi, Lingaruja# Connecting the Postcolonial. Ngugi and Anand
Gandhi, Lingaruja# Connecting the Postcolonial
Gardner, Erle Stanley# Case of the howling dog
Gardner, Erle Stanley# Case of the curious bride
Gardner, Erle Stanley# Case of the black eyed blonde
Ghosh, Amitav# Hungry Tide
Githa Hariharan# Fugitive histories
Golding, William# Lord of the Flies
Grimm, Brothers# Grimms Fairy Tales
Grisham, John# Client
Hajela, Sudheer Chandra# Cleanth Brooks: Theory and practice
Harish Chandra# 1001 letters for all Occasions
Harris, Jane# Observations
Hemingway, Ernest; Moosakkutty, N, Tr.# Kizhavanum Kadalum (m)
Henry, O# Best of O Henry
Higgins, Jack# Day of Reckoning
Hosseini, Khaled# Thousand Splendid Suns
Hosseini, Khaled# Kite Runner
Hunter, Stephen# Point of Impact
International Phonetic Association# Hand Book of the International Phonetic Association. A guide to the use of the International phonetic Alphabet
Jayakrishnan Nair# Cutting edges: Biology of experience in the poetry of kamala Das
Jayant Gupta, Comp.# Worlds great horror stories
Jones, Daniel# English Pronouncing Dictionary
Joshi, J C, Tr.# Famous short stories from Prem Chand
Joshi, Poonam P# Essential of communication skills and grammer
Jyothi Menon# Angel of god
Kafka; Ravikumar, V, Tr# Kafkayude Kadhakal (m)
Kalamani, N, Ed.# Fusing horizons: Critical essays in Indian writing in english
Kalra, K B# Dictionary of Economics
Kamala Das# Only the Soul knows How to Sing
Kamala Das# Summer in Calcutta
Kamala Das# Only the Soul knows How to Sing
Kamala Das; Suresh Kohli# Closure. Some poems and a Conversation
Kapur, Manju# Difficult Daughters
Kaushal Sharma# Raja Rao: A study of his themes and techniques
Khatri, Chhote Lal, Ed.# British authors and texts critical responses
Khushawant Singh# Delhi
Khushwant singh; Sheela Reddy, Ed.# Why i supported  the emergency: Essays and profiles
King, Bruce# Three Indian Poets: Ezekiel, Moraes and Ramanujan
King, Stephen# Carrie
Kipling, Rudyard# Just So Stories
Krishna Daiya# Post-independence women short story writers in Indian English
Krishnaswamy, N; lalitha Krishnaswamy# Story of English in India
Kroeger, Paul R# Analyzing Grammar. An Introduction
Kurotti, Joel; Mittapalli, Rajeswar# Indian womens short fiction
Lamp, Charles; Lamp, Merry; Sadasivan, M P, Tr.# Shakespeare Kadhakal (m)
Lang, Rebecca# Nurse on assignment
Lapierre, Dominique# City of joy
Lee, Ho Lin# Developing Situational Writing Skills. A Model Approach
Lennard, John L# Poetry Handbook
Lessing, Doris# Proper Marriage
Lessing, doris# Grandmothers
Lessing, Doris# Time Bites
Lessing, Doris# Ben in the World
Lessing, Doris# Summer before the Dark
Lessing, Doris# LandLocked
Lessing, Doris# Good Terrorist
Lessing, doris; Ramakrishnan, Desamangalam, Tr.# Nallavanaya Bheekaravadi(m)
Lewis, C S# Silver Chair
Lewis, Norman# Dictionary of modern pronunciation
Loved, Well# Fairy Talse
Ludlum, Robert# Bourne Ultimatum
Madhavan, Meenakshi Reddy# You are here
Mahfouz, Naguib# Seventh Heaven
Maluste, Avanti, Ed# Poem for Cry. Favourite poems of famous Indians
Manohar, Murali D# Indian English Womens Fiction
Manser, Martin H# Facts on file dictionary of poverbs
Mantel, Hilary# Wolf Hall
Markandaya, Kamala# Some Inner Fury
Markandaya, Kamala# Possession
Martel, Yann# Life of Pi
Masih, Ivan K, et al# Objective Approach to English Literature
Matheikal# English Poetry from John Donne to Ted Hughes
Mathur, O P# Indira Gandhi and the Emergency as viewed in the Indian Novel
Maupassant, Guy de# Great short stories
Mercier, Pascal# Night Train to Lisbon
Merriam Websters# Merriam Websters Encyclopedia of Literature
Metcalf, Jonathan, Ed.# Illustrated Oxford Dictionary
Metcalfe, Josie# Family to come home to
Misra, Jaishree# Rani
Misra, Jaishree# Ancient Promises
Moore, Christopher# Lamb
Moosakutty, N# Shakespeare kathakal (m)
Morrison, Toni# Bluest Eye
Mosley, Walter# Wave
Mukhopadhyay, Partha Kumar# Multicoloured glass: Critical essays on english literature and Indian writing in english
Murphy, Raymoud# Essential English Grammar: A self study refference and practice book for elementary students of English
Myles, Anita# Feminism and the post modern Indian women novelists in English
Naipaul, V S# Guerrillas
Naipaul, V S; Pankaj Mishra, Tr.# Writer and his World
Narayan, R K# Man eater of Malgudi
Narayan, R K# Painter of Signs
Narayan, R K# My days: Autobiography
Narayan, R K# World of Nagaraj
Narayan, R K# Grandmothers Tale
Narayan, R K# Financial Expert
Narayan, R K# Malgudi Days
Narayan, R K# Dark Room
Nisha singh, Chandra# Radical Feminism and Womens writing
Orwell, George# Animal Farm
Pamuk, Orhan# Museum of Innocence
Pandey, Birendra# Indian Poetry in English
Pandey, Manoj K# Plays of Girish Karnads and tradition
Patke, Rajeev S# Post Colonial Poetry in English
Patra, Pradip Kumar, Ed.; Prasad, Amar Nath# Recritiquing William Wordsworth
Patterson, Michael# Oxford guide to Plays
Paul, S K, Ed.; Prasad, Amar Nath# Reassessing British literature, Vol.1
Paul, S K, Ed.; Prasad, Amar Nath# Reassessing British literature, Vol.2
Pausch Randy; Zaslow, Jeffrey# last lecture
Pavic, Milorad# Last Love in Constantinople. A Tarot Novel for Divination
Prasad, Amar Nath# New lights on Indian Women Novelists in English. Part 2
Prasad, Amar Nath, Ed.# Shashi Deshpande: A critical elucidation
Prasad, Amar Nath, Ed.; Gaijan, M B, Ed.# Dalit literature: A critical exploration
Prasad, Amar Nath, Ed.; Singh, Nagendra Kumar# Indian Fiction in English: Roots and blossoms, Vol.2
Prasad, Amar Nath; Bithika Sarkar# Critical response to Indian poetry in english
Prasad, Amar Nath; Kumar Singh, Nagendra# Indian Fiction in English. Roots and Blossoms Vol 2
Prasad, Amar Nath; Mallik, Rajiv K# Indian English Poetry and Fiction. Critical Elucidations
Prasad, Amarnath; Srivastava# Indian Literature in English, Vol.1
Prasanna Sree, S# Alien amoung us: Reflections of women writers on women
Prasanna Sree, S# Psycho dynamics of women in the post modern literature
Purkis, John# Preface to Wordsworth
Puzo, Mario# Godfather
Rajeswar Mitappalli# Kamala Das. A Critical Spectrum
Rand, Ayn# Fountainhead
Rao, Raja# Kanthapura
Rapidex# Rapidex English Speaking Course
Ray, Mohit K# Atlantic Companion to Literature in English
Ray, Mohit K# Comparative study of the Indian poetics and the western poetics
Roberts, Alison# Consultant in crisis
Roe, Nicholas# Oxford Guide. Romanticism
Rushdie, Salman# Ground Beneath Her Feet
Rushdie, Salman# Shalimar The Clown
Rushdie, Salman# Shame
Rushdie, Salman# Grimus
Sarah Thomas# Daiva Makkal. Children of God
Sarangi, Jayadeep# Presentations of Postcolonialism in English
Sarkar, R N# Novels of D H Lawarence
Sarkar, Subhas# T S Eliot the dramatist
Sasi Tharoor; Senu George, Tr# Oru Cherukathakrithinte Ekanthatha (m)
Satchidanandan, K# Imperfect and other New poems
Schechner, Richard# Performance Theory
Seturaman, Indira, Ed.# Practical Criticism
Shaffer, Lawrence# Dictionary of American Literature
Shakespeare, william; Sreenarayana Kurup, Tr.# Othello(m)
Shakespeare, William; Venikkuttan Niar, P K, Tr.# Antoniyum Cleopatrayum(m)
Shakespeare, William; Venukkuttan Nair, P K, Tr.# Hamlet(m)
Shakespeare, William; Warrier, P A, Tr.# Macbeth (m)
Shakespeare; Jawahara Kurup, P, Tr.# Julius Caesar (m)
Shankarsha, Gauri# Current perspectives in Indian English Literature
Sharma, Rajendra P# Mikhail Bakhtins: Theory of the novel
Shashi Tharoor# Riot: A Novel
Shashi Tharoor; Thomas George# Kalapam (m)
Shastri, Chitra# Ghost Stories
Sheldon, Sidney# If tomorrow comes
Sheldon, Sidney# Memories of mid night
Sheldon, Sidney# Best laid plans
Sheldon, Sidney# Nothing lasts forever
Sheldon, Sidney# Morning, Noon and Night
Shobha De# Sultry Days
Shobha De# Starry Nights
Shobha De# Superstar India: From incredible to unstoppable
Simkin, Stevie# Preface to Marlowe
Simpson, John# Twenty Tales from the war zone
Singh, Khushwant# I Shall not Hear the Nightingale
Singh, Khushwant# Train to Pakistan
Singh, Khushwant# Paradise and other Stories
Soanes, Catherine, Ed# Compact Oxford Dictionary Thesaurus and Wordpower Guide
Steel, Danielle# Accident
Steel, Danielle# Bungalow 2
Steel, Danielle# Daddy
Stevenson, Robert Louis# Kidnapped
Stoker, Bram# Drakkula
Swift, Jonathan# Gullivers Travels
Swift, Jonathan; Subbayya Pillia, P# Gullivarute Yaathrakal (m)
Tagore, Rabindranath# Gora
Tandon, Neeru, Ed# Perspectives and challenges in Indian English Drama
Taruna Sareen# Dictionary of international relations
Tim, R# Dictionary of english errors
Tiwari, Shubha; Tiwari, Maneesha# Plays of T S Eliot
Tripathi, Tribhuwan Nath# Subjective manifold: Neo romanticism in modern British poetry
Verma, D S# International communication: Past, present and future
Vijayaraghavan, R# Uneven edges
Vikas Swarup# Slumdog millionaire
Watts, Cedric# Preface to Conrad
Wells, H G# Time Machine
Winters, Rebecca# Matrimony with his Majesty
Zusak, Markus# Fighting Ruben Wolfe