College General Library

Phone: 0479-2445601, 2447883

The College Library is one of the proud assets of MSM College. Automation and IT enabled services have been successfully installed in the library. The resources and services provide to the education community are one step ahead among other colleges under Kerala University. The library provides OPAC (On Line Public Access Catalogue) for speedy retrieval of their needs. The searching of a document through computer is possible by a user even if the documents are present in the department library. Issue and return of books are done both by manual and through computer at the same time
The Internet facilities available in the library will supplement the function of the library.

The college library has three sections.
1.      General section
2.      Reference section
3.      Department section
The general and reference sections are under the direct control of the librarian. The departmental libraries are under the control of the concerned Heads of Depts. All Post Graduate depts. have department libraries and their statistics will be verified by the librarian at the end of each academic year.

The concept of library should be changed in accordance with the demand of users. We have been looking forward to change and extent the services to the readers. Our Management goes ahead with a vision for providing library services to all through the launching of our virtual library with in a short span of time.

Information sources available in the Library
Total number of books in the library      34754
24196 books are in the general section. These books are circulated.

Reference Books – 3400 books includes Encyclopaedias, who is who, Horthis Malabaricus, Dictionaries, Year books, Atlas etc

Periodicals – popular periodicals and journals (nearly 24) are subscribed in the library and kept in the reading room. Certain journals are shifted to the department libraries for the use of PG students.
Newspapers – 11 dailies, 3 English and 8 Malayalam papers.

Question Papers – Bounded volumes of previous question papers are kept for reference

Other Collections – Bounded volumes of Career Books, PSC Bulletins,CSR, Thozhil Vaartha, ThozhilVeedhi ete are available

Library Rules

  1. The Library remains open from 9.00AM to 4.00PM.

  1. Only the staff and students of the college are members of the Library.

  1. All members can borrow books on all working days between 9.30 AM to 12.30PM and 1.30 PM to 3.30PM.

      4.   The reference books and periodicals will not be issued for use outside the library

5.   Only one book shall be issued at a time.

6.   On receiving the book, damage if any should be reported to the library staff. If   they fail to do so, they will be held responsible for any damage detected           afterwards.

7.   Sub-Lending of books is not allowed.

8.   The book should be returned within 15 days failing which a penalty @   1 per                day will be imposed.

  1. Students are expected to make the maximum use of the Library.

  1. Strict silence should be maintained inside the library

  1. Students coming to the library should produce their identity cards to the library staff.
  2. The uses of Sweets, chewing gums, Intoxicants etc are banned in the Library.